
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A freedom lesson taught by the Chiffa monkeys: 8th May 1945

The Algerian Chimpanzee and the Chiffa Monkey both agreed that they were victims of corruption by intelligent human beings. The Algerian Chimpanzee leaned against the bars of his cage, awaiting his next nicotine fix. “What am I going to do now,” he says, as he reaches for his cigarette from the laughing visitor. He takes a puff, inhales deeply, and beats his chest, showing great displeasure. “My handlers say that smoking is dangerous for me. They say”, and again he inhales deeply from the Marlboro cigarette, “that I can get lung cancer and die? Do I need the patch? Where will I put the patch? What were they thinking of to let me get hooked on nicotine? Now my handlers tell me that I have to quit smoking. How am I going to do that? Are they going to lock me in a detox centre? I am already in a cage.”
The Chiffa Monkey put his arms around the big Algerian Chimpanzee and said “ I will tell you the tale of a great fighter, Mohamed Boudiaf, the father of the FLN, and the smart engineer of the GPRA, the first Algerian Government in exile, during the Algerian Revolution. Mohamed Boudiaf was an honest man and fought hard for justice. He railed against the French telling them that they were not civilized.” You gave the Americans the Statue of Liberty, and you say that you are offering us our freedom, but in actuality, you are colonizing us.” Then Mohamed Boudiaf called upon the monkeys of the Chiffa Mountain to join the Mujahadein. Mohamed Boudiaf Alwatani was in effect calling the Algerians to fight. He said, ” if you do not fight I will free Algeria with the monkeys.”
The root causes of the national liberation struggle were the social consequences of the economic exploitation of Algeria, plus injustice and slavery.
The French were liars who coerced the Algerians to help them fight against the Nazis, with the promise that when they were defeated, Algeria would gain its freedom. However, on May 8, 1945, the French reneged on their promise and killed 45,000 Algerians in one day. This might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back causing Boudiaf to fight. The Chiffa Monkey paused thinking of the mighty warrior, Mohamed Boudiaf, who was later, exiled and killed by an algerian called " Boumanaaraf " in Annaba thirty years after Algeria gained her Independence.

Algeria, under the rule of President Bouteflika is a stable country, Algerians are living peacefully and the monkeys are ready to fight against the enemies who want to destabilize Algeria.

Paroles du Président de la République, M. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, prononcées à l’ouverture de la 6e Semaine nationale du Coran:

Par le mot "Coran", j’entends ce flot divin qui submerge le cœur du musulman de foi et de vertus pour ne respirer que sincérité et n’inspirer que droiture et exactitude. J’entends ces lointains horizons auxquels aspire l’homme pour se rapprocher un peu plus de Dieu pour que Dieu le protège . J’entends cette Lumière divine éclatante à travers laquelle l’homme se découvre tel que Dieu a voulu qu’il soit dans la vie au sens de la droiture,
de l’intégrité, la vérité et la justice.


  • Dear Dr. Chaalal

    We offer our condolences to the families of all the victims of this affair which remains one of the darkest the service had ever known. In the mean time the real murder plotters of Boudiaf (Khaled Nezzar, Larbi Belkheir, Mohamed Mediene, Smain Lamari and Mohamed Lamari following suite) continue assassinating an entire people.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 AM  

  • so...i read in your blog...you say "who has the right to tailor a model of liberty that fits any human on this planet? ...I agree, but I fear that many people think that is what President Bush is trying to do
    Hell, I fear it's what he's trying to do

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:22 AM  

  • Beautiful article. I can sympathize with it's sadness and disappointment, as my own government tell mostly lies in the guise of caring for the people. It is all a lie, and the rich keep getting richer and the poor, the innocents, and the voiceless are stamped out and forgotten. Even if something is being done that seems as though it is with care, it usually has a hidden agenda behind it. So...when it comes to ANYTHING that has to do with the government and promises made and constantly broken..with ANY country...I have lost my hope. I would much rather be friends with the precious monkeys than most people.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:27 AM  

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